v. 敬奉(神);爱慕,崇拜
n. 敬神,拜神;崇拜,爱慕;<英> 阁下(对地位高的人的尊称)
第 三 人 称 单 数 w o r s h i p s
现 在 分 词 w o r s h i p p i n g 或 w o r s h i p i n g
过 去 式 w o r s h i p p e d 或 w o r s h i p e d
过 去 分 词 w o r s h i p p e d 或 w o r s h i p e d
The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. | 对神灵的敬畏和崇拜的感觉或表现。 |
To show reverence and adoration for a deity, often through rituals and ceremonies. | 通过仪式和典礼向神灵表达敬意和崇拜。 |
对某人或某事的过度崇拜或奉献。 |
◎自然崇拜,对自然现象的顶礼膜拜,◎对大自然的爱好,◎(艺术家、诗人)对自然的热爱,◎对自然的崇拜(把自然现象或自然力当作神) | |
拜金主义 |
钦佩 | 她对这位艺术家的钦佩在她的作品中显而易见。 | ||
尊敬 | 社区对长辈表现出极大的尊敬。 | ||
崇拜 | 他表达了对自己最喜欢的歌手的崇拜。 | ||
崇敬 | The veneration of historical figures is common in many cultures. | 在许多文化中,崇敬历史人物是很常见的。 | |
奉献 | 她对家庭的奉献令人钦佩。 |
鄙视 | 她鄙视那些不尊重环境的人。 | ||
轻蔑 | He looked at the proposal with scorn, believing it to be foolish. | 他轻蔑地看着这个提议,认为它很愚蠢。 | |
不屑 | Many people disdain the opinions of those who lack experience. | 许多人对缺乏经验的人的观点不屑一顾。 |
1.You pretend that this black hole which you worship exists.
2.It reminds me of the almost blind worship we once had for leaders.
3.He was amused by the way younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him.
4.To worship someone or something is to venerate him, her, or it—not necessarily as you would revere a deity, but at least with extreme devotion or admiration.
5.He prefers to worship in his own home.
6.Come straightway back with me before his worship, and answer for the crime!
7.Tithing is an act of worship.
8.He would have liked to fall down and worship him, if it were in the dark.
9.You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.
10.Many people go to church on Sundays to worship 崇拜 God.
许多人在星期天去教堂worship 崇拜上帝。
11.In some cultures, it is common to worship 崇拜 ancestors.
在一些文化中,worship 崇拜祖先是很常见的。
12.They gathered in the temple to worship 崇拜 their deities.
他们聚集在寺庙里worship 崇拜他们的神灵。
13.The festival included music and dance as a way to worship 崇拜 the harvest.
这个节日包括音乐和舞蹈,以此来worship 崇拜丰收。
14.Some people find peace in nature and feel they can worship 崇拜 there.
有些人发现大自然中有宁静,觉得他们可以在这里worship 崇拜。
Worship is a fundamental aspect of human culture, reflecting our deepest beliefs and values. It can take many forms, from organized religion to personal spiritual practices. In many societies, people gather in places of worship to express their devotion and connect with the divine. This communal aspect of worship (崇拜) fosters a sense of belonging and community among individuals who share similar beliefs. The act of worship (崇拜) often involves rituals, prayers, and songs that have been passed down through generations. These practices not only serve to honor deities but also to instill moral values and provide guidance for daily living. For example, in Christianity, attending church services is a common way for believers to engage in worship (崇拜), where they participate in singing hymns, listening to sermons, and praying together. In addition to its religious aspects, worship (崇拜) can also extend to secular figures or concepts. People may worship (崇拜) celebrities, ideologies, or even nature itself. This form of admiration can be seen in fandoms where individuals idolize musicians or actors, often expressing their devotion through merchandise, fan clubs, and social media. Such secular worship (崇拜) reflects our innate desire to find meaning and significance in our lives, often through the lens of those we admire. Moreover, the psychological benefits of worship (崇拜) should not be overlooked. Engaging in worship (崇拜) can provide individuals with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It allows for introspection and self-reflection, encouraging individuals to consider their place in the world. Many find comfort in the rituals associated with worship (崇拜), as they create a structured environment for expressing emotions and thoughts. However, it is important to recognize that worship (崇拜) can also lead to negative consequences. When taken to extremes, worship (崇拜) can foster fanaticism, intolerance, and division among different belief systems. History has shown us that blind worship (崇拜) can result in conflict and violence, as individuals prioritize their devotion over understanding and compassion for others. Thus, it is crucial to approach worship (崇拜) with a sense of balance and openness. In conclusion, worship (崇拜) is a complex and multifaceted concept that plays a significant role in human life. Whether through religious practices or secular admiration, it reflects our quest for connection, meaning, and identity. As we navigate our own paths of worship (崇拜), it is essential to remain mindful of its potential impacts, both positive and negative, on ourselves and our communities. By fostering an inclusive and respectful approach to worship (崇拜), we can celebrate the diversity of beliefs while promoting understanding and harmony among all individuals.