n. 隆头鱼
复 数 w r a s s e 或 w r a s s e s
A wrasse is a type of marine fish belonging to the family Labridae, characterized by their elongated bodies, thick lips, and bright colors. | 皱鳃鱼是一种属于鲈形目皱鳃鱼科的海洋鱼类,具有细长的身体、厚唇和鲜艳的颜色。 |
清洁鱼 | |
礁鱼 | |
热带鱼 | |
wrasse的种类 | |
wrasse的栖息地 | |
wrasse的饮食 |
鱼 | wrasse是一种在珊瑚礁中发现的色彩斑斓的海洋鱼。 | ||
海洋鱼 | Many species of fish, including wrasses, play an important role in their ecosystems. | 包括wrasse在内的许多鱼类在其生态系统中扮演着重要角色。 |
捕食者 | 鲨鱼是海洋中一种强大的捕食者。 | ||
食肉动物 | 狮子被称为食肉动物,它们以猎物为食。 |
1.A shy and elusive fish, a Napoleon wrasse at Orona island is a good omen for the Marine reserve.
一条羞赧且独特的苏眉鱼(Napoleonwrasse)在欧罗那岛(Orona island)附近海域游弋,它是海洋保护区恢复的好兆头。
2.A few years ago pers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.
3.They will protect species including sponges, sea squirts, corals, shellfish, and more exotic creatures such as the colourful cuckoo wrasse fish.
这15个地点将保护包括海绵动物、海鞘、珊瑚、甲壳类动物以及其他外来生物如波纹鱼(cuckoo wrasse)在内的生物种类。
4.Shining bright, a juvenile wrasse takes shelter in anchor coral off Flores Island, Indonesia.
5.A wrasse cleans the skin of a wrought iron butterflyfish, whose black-and-white motif reminds Japanese of a samurai's kimono pattern.
6.Large lips and a forehead hump are hallmarks of the reef-dwelling humphead wrasse, popular with divers and fishermen across much of the Indo-Pacific.
7.The colorful wrasse 隆头鱼 is often seen in coral reefs.
五彩斑斓的wrasse 隆头鱼 常常出现在珊瑚礁中。
8.Many divers enjoy watching the wrasse 隆头鱼 as it swims gracefully.
许多潜水员喜欢观看wrasse 隆头鱼 优雅地游动。
9.The wrasse 隆头鱼 has a unique ability to change its color.
这种wrasse 隆头鱼 具有独特的变色能力。
10.In aquariums, the wrasse 隆头鱼 is popular for its vibrant hues.
在水族馆中,wrasse 隆头鱼 因其鲜艳的色彩而受到欢迎。
11.Some species of wrasse 隆头鱼 are known to be territorial.
一些种类的wrasse 隆头鱼 以领土意识著称。
The ocean is home to a diverse array of marine life, and among its colorful inhabitants is the wrasse (石斑鱼). These fish are not only stunning in appearance but also play a crucial role in the ecosystem of coral reefs. The wrasse (石斑鱼) family consists of various species, each exhibiting unique colors and behaviors. For instance, the cleaner wrasse (石斑鱼) is known for its symbiotic relationship with larger fish. It removes parasites and dead skin from these fish, providing a cleaning service that benefits both parties. This fascinating interaction highlights the importance of the wrasse (石斑鱼) in maintaining the health of reef ecosystems. In addition to their ecological significance, wrasse (石斑鱼) are also popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and engaging personalities. Many species exhibit striking patterns, ranging from bright blues and greens to vivid yellows and reds. Their lively behavior makes them a delightful addition to any marine tank. However, potential owners should be aware that keeping a wrasse (石斑鱼) requires specific care, including adequate tank size and compatible tank mates. The adaptability of wrasse (石斑鱼) is another remarkable aspect of these fish. They can be found in various habitats, from shallow reefs to deeper waters. Some species prefer rocky environments, while others thrive in sandy substrates. This adaptability allows them to occupy different niches within the marine ecosystem, showcasing their evolutionary success. Despite their resilience, wrasse (石斑鱼) face threats from overfishing and habitat destruction. Coral reefs, where many species reside, are increasingly endangered due to climate change, pollution, and destructive fishing practices. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these beautiful fish and their habitats. By promoting sustainable fishing practices and supporting marine protected areas, we can help ensure that wrasse (石斑鱼) populations remain healthy for future generations to enjoy. In conclusion, the wrasse (石斑鱼) is a remarkable group of fish that contributes significantly to the health of our oceans. Their vibrant colors, engaging behaviors, and essential ecological roles make them a fascinating subject of study and admiration. As we continue to learn about these incredible creatures, it is vital to advocate for their protection and the preservation of their habitats. By doing so, we not only safeguard the wrasse (石斑鱼) but also the intricate web of life that depends on healthy marine ecosystems.
海洋是各种海洋生物的家园,其中一个色彩斑斓的居民就是wrasse(石斑鱼)。这些鱼不仅外观令人惊叹,而且在珊瑚礁生态系统中扮演着至关重要的角色。wrasse(石斑鱼)家族包括多种物种,每种物种都展现出独特的颜色和行为。例如,清洁wrasse(石斑鱼)以其与大型鱼类的共生关系而闻名。它会从这些鱼身上去除寄生虫和死皮,提供一种对双方都有益的清洁服务。这种迷人的互动突显了wrasse(石斑鱼)在维持珊瑚礁生态系统健康中的重要性。 除了生态意义外,wrasse(石斑鱼)由于其鲜艳的颜色和引人入胜的个性而受到水族爱好者的欢迎。许多物种展示出引人注目的图案,从明亮的蓝色和绿色到鲜艳的黄色和红色。它们活泼的行为使它们成为任何海洋水族箱中令人愉快的补充。然而,潜在的主人应该意识到,饲养wrasse(石斑鱼)需要特定的护理,包括适当的水族箱大小和兼容的鱼友。 wrasse(石斑鱼)的适应能力是这些鱼的另一个显著方面。它们可以在各种栖息地中找到,从浅水珊瑚礁到更深的水域。有些物种更喜欢岩石环境,而另一些则在沙质底部茁壮成长。这种适应能力使它们能够占据海洋生态系统中的不同生态位,展示了它们的进化成功。 尽管具有韧性,wrasse(石斑鱼)仍面临过度捕捞和栖息地破坏的威胁。许多物种栖息的珊瑚礁因气候变化、污染和破坏性捕鱼行为而日益受到威胁。保护工作对保护这些美丽的鱼及其栖息地至关重要。通过促进可持续捕鱼实践和支持海洋保护区,我们可以帮助确保wrasse(石斑鱼)种群保持健康,以便未来几代人享用。 总之,wrasse(石斑鱼)是一组显著的鱼类,对我们海洋的健康贡献巨大。它们鲜艳的颜色、引人入胜的行为和重要的生态角色使它们成为研究和欣赏的迷人对象。随着我们继续了解这些不可思议的生物,倡导保护它们及其栖息地至关重要。通过这样做,我们不仅保护了wrasse(石斑鱼),还保护了依赖健康海洋生态系统的复杂生命网络。