n. 愤怒,盛怒
极度的愤怒或狂怒 | |
猛烈或暴力的愤怒 | |
强烈的报复性愤怒 |
神的忿怒;神之愤怒;上帝的惩罚 |
愤怒 | 当他听到这个消息时,他感到一阵愤怒。 | ||
狂怒 | 当她面对背叛者时,她的狂怒显而易见。 | ||
暴怒 | 在一阵暴怒中,他打碎了花瓶。 | ||
复仇 | 她为对她家庭所做的错误寻求复仇。 | ||
愤慨 | 他对不公正待遇的愤慨是显而易见的。 |
平静 | 尽管周围一片混乱,她依然保持平静。 | ||
和平 | 他们和平地合作解决了冲突。 | ||
镇定 | 在压力大的情况下,他保持了镇定。 | ||
宁静 | 这个花园是一个宁静和放松的地方。 |
1.The grapes of wrath taste a little sweeter now.
2.Otherwise, you're storing up wrath for yourself when you don't deliver.
3.There was silence while one might count ten--the master was gathering his wrath.
4.You set aside all your wrath and turned from your fierce anger.
5.Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.
6.God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day.
7.Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles.
8.For your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you.
9.All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan.
10.The teacher's wrath 愤怒 was evident when several students failed to submit their assignments on time.
当几名学生未能按时提交作业时,老师的wrath 愤怒显而易见。
11.He felt the wrath 愤怒 of his boss after missing an important deadline.
在错过一个重要截止日期后,他感受到了老板的wrath 愤怒。
12.The villagers feared the wrath 愤怒 of the storm that was approaching their homes.
村民们害怕即将袭来的暴风雨的wrath 愤怒。
13.His wrath 愤怒 was justified after being treated unfairly by his colleagues.
在被同事不公平对待后,他的wrath 愤怒是有理由的。
14.The ancient myths often depict gods unleashing their wrath 愤怒 upon mortals who offend them.
古代神话常常描绘神灵对冒犯他们的凡人施加wrath 愤怒。
In literature and life, emotions often play a crucial role in shaping our actions and decisions. One of the most powerful emotions is that of wrath, which can be defined as intense anger or fury. This emotion has been depicted in various forms throughout history, from ancient myths to modern novels. The consequences of wrath can be both destructive and enlightening, depending on how it is channeled. Take, for instance, the story of Achilles in Homer's "Iliad." His wrath is not just a personal vendetta; it symbolizes the broader themes of honor, revenge, and the human condition. Achilles' anger leads him to withdraw from battle, causing significant losses for his comrades. This illustrates how unchecked wrath can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only the individual but also those around them. On the other hand, wrath can also serve as a catalyst for change. In many social movements, anger at injustice has propelled individuals to take action. For example, the civil rights movement in the United States was fueled by the wrath of those who faced discrimination and inequality. This collective anger united people and led to significant societal changes. Here, wrath was transformed into a powerful force for good, driving progress and reform. However, it is essential to recognize that wrath can easily spiral out of control. When individuals allow their anger to dictate their actions, the results can be catastrophic. There are countless examples in history where leaders, fueled by wrath, have made impulsive decisions that led to wars, suffering, and destruction. The key lies in understanding and managing this emotion rather than suppressing it entirely. In personal relationships, wrath can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. It is important to communicate feelings of anger in a constructive manner. For instance, instead of letting wrath fester and explode, individuals should express their concerns calmly and seek resolution. This approach not only helps in maintaining healthy relationships but also allows for personal growth. Moreover, understanding the root causes of wrath can be beneficial. Often, this emotion stems from feelings of helplessness or frustration. By addressing these underlying issues, individuals can learn to cope with their anger more effectively. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and open dialogue can help mitigate the effects of wrath and transform it into a more productive energy. In conclusion, wrath is a complex emotion that can lead to both destruction and empowerment. It is essential to recognize its presence in our lives and learn how to manage it wisely. Whether through literature, history, or personal experiences, the lessons surrounding wrath remind us of the importance of emotional intelligence. By understanding and channeling our anger, we can harness its power to create positive change rather than succumb to its potentially devastating effects.
在文学和生活中,情感常常在塑造我们的行为和决策中发挥着至关重要的作用。其中一种最强烈的情感就是愤怒,它可以被定义为强烈的生气或狂怒。这种情感在历史的各个形式中都有所表现,从古代神话到现代小说。愤怒的后果既可以是破坏性的,也可以是启发性的,这取决于它是如何被引导的。 比如说,荷马的《伊利亚特》中的阿基琉斯。他的愤怒不仅仅是一场个人的复仇;它象征着荣誉、复仇和人类状况的更广泛主题。阿基琉斯的愤怒使他退出战斗,导致他的同伴们遭受重大损失。这表明,失控的愤怒可能会产生深远的后果,影响的不仅仅是个人,还有周围的人。 另一方面,愤怒也可以作为改变的催化剂。在许多社会运动中,对不公正的愤怒促使个人采取行动。例如,美国的民权运动就是由那些面临歧视和不平等的人们的愤怒推动的。这种集体的愤怒团结了人们,并导致了重大的社会变革。在这里,愤怒被转化为一种强大的积极力量,推动进步和改革。 然而,必须认识到,愤怒很容易失控。当个人让他们的愤怒支配他们的行为时,结果可能是灾难性的。历史上有无数例子表明,领导者在愤怒的驱动下做出冲动的决定,导致战争、苦难和破坏。关键在于理解和管理这种情感,而不是完全压抑它。 在个人关系中,愤怒可能导致误解和冲突。以建设性的方式表达愤怒的感觉是非常重要的。例如,与其让愤怒滋生并爆发,不如冷静地表达自己的担忧并寻求解决方案。这种方法不仅有助于维护健康的关系,还能促进个人成长。 此外,理解愤怒的根本原因可能是有益的。通常,这种情感源于无助感或挫败感。通过解决这些潜在问题,个人可以更有效地应对他们的愤怒。正念、冥想和开放对话等技巧可以帮助缓解愤怒的影响,并将其转化为更具生产力的能量。 总之,愤怒是一种复杂的情感,可以导致破坏和赋权。认识到它在我们生活中的存在,并学习如何明智地管理它是至关重要的。无论是通过文学、历史还是个人经历,围绕愤怒的教训提醒我们情商的重要性。通过理解和引导我们的愤怒,我们可以利用其力量创造积极的变化,而不是屈服于其潜在的破坏性影响。