n. 鹪鹩
n. (Wren)人名;(英)雷恩
复 数 w r e n s
A small, active bird with a short tail and a loud song, typically found in gardens and woodlands. | 一种小型活泼的鸟,具有短尾和响亮的歌声,通常栖息在花园和林地中。 |
屋鸲 | |
冬鸲 | |
像鸲的 | |
鸲唱歌 | |
鸲栖息地 | |
鸲巢 |
鸟 | 鹪鹩是一种以其愉快歌声而闻名的小鸟。 | ||
麻雀 | 麻雀常在花园中飞来飞去寻找种子。 | ||
雀 | Finches are colorful birds that can be found in many habitats. | 雀是一种色彩斑斓的鸟类,可以在许多栖息地中找到。 |
鹰 | 鹰在山脉上空高高翱翔。 | ||
鹰 | 鹰以其敏锐的视力而闻名。 |
1.Captain Piltchard and Captain Wren were both too timid to raise any outcry against Captin Black.
2.The gold and red sassafras leaves surrounding our house declared it was too late for a house wren to remain in Michigan.
3.The gold and red sassafras leaves surrounding our house declared it was too late for a house wren to remain in Michigan.
4.As the days grew shorter, I assumed this Carolina wren would fly to the states bearing his name.
5.Anakin and Obi-Wan would try to track Wren through the wilderness.
7.A wren is a kind of short-winged songbird.
8.You are almost as cocky as your Master used to be, "Wren said."
9.The robin and the wren are flown, and from the shrubs the jay.
10.I spotted a small wren in the garden yesterday.
11.The wren is known for its beautiful singing.
12.We often hear the sound of a wren during our morning walks.
13.A wren built a nest in the backyard last spring.
14.I took a photo of a wren perched on a branch.
The wren is a small bird that belongs to the family Troglodytidae. Known for its lively behavior and cheerful song, the wren is often found in gardens, woodlands, and shrublands across various regions. These tiny birds typically measure around 4 to 5 inches in length, making them one of the smallest birds in North America. Despite their size, wrens are known for their bold personalities and can often be seen flitting about energetically as they search for insects and other food sources. Their brown, streaked plumage provides excellent camouflage among the foliage, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. In literature and folklore, the wren has been symbolized in various ways. For instance, in European traditions, the wren is often associated with the arrival of spring. Its song is one of the first to be heard as winter fades away, signaling the start of warmer days. In some cultures, the wren is considered a symbol of protection and good fortune. During the Wren Day celebrations in parts of Ireland, people would dress up and carry a faux wren through the streets, singing and dancing to honor this remarkable little bird. Ecologically, the wren plays an important role in its habitat. By feeding on insects, they help control pest populations, which can benefit both gardens and agricultural lands. Moreover, their nesting habits contribute to the ecosystem; they often build their nests in dense shrubs or tree cavities, providing safe havens for their young and other small creatures. The wren is a cavity nester, meaning it prefers to lay its eggs in hidden spots, which adds to its charm and mystery. The adaptability of the wren is also noteworthy. They can thrive in various environments, from urban areas to rural landscapes. This resilience makes them a common sight in many backyards, where they often visit bird feeders and baths. Birdwatchers particularly enjoy observing these energetic creatures as they dart in and out of bushes, showcasing their acrobatic skills. In conclusion, the wren is more than just a small bird; it is a symbol of joy, resilience, and ecological balance. Its presence enhances our gardens and parks, reminding us of the beauty of nature. Whether you are an avid birdwatcher or simply someone who enjoys the sounds of nature, taking a moment to appreciate the wren can bring a sense of peace and connection to the world around us. As we continue to protect our natural habitats, let us remember the significance of these tiny birds and the roles they play in our ecosystems. The next time you hear the sweet song of a wren, take a moment to pause and reflect on the wonders of nature that surround us.
wren是一种小鸟,属于洞鸟科。它以活泼的行为和愉快的歌声而闻名,通常可以在花园、林地和灌木丛中找到。wren通常长约4到5英寸,是北美最小的鸟类之一。尽管体型小,但wren以其大胆的个性著称,常常被看到在寻找昆虫和其他食物来源时活蹦乱跳。它们棕色、带条纹的羽毛提供了极好的伪装,使它们能够在树叶间无缝融入周围环境。 在文学和民俗中,wren以各种方式象征着不同的意义。例如,在欧洲传统中,wren常常与春天的到来联系在一起。随着冬季的消退,它的歌声是最早听到的,标志着温暖日子的开始。在一些文化中,wren被视为保护和好运的象征。在爱尔兰的wren节庆祝活动中,人们会打扮并在街上游行,唱歌跳舞以纪念这只非凡的小鸟。 在生态学上,wren在其栖息地中发挥着重要作用。通过以昆虫为食,它们帮助控制害虫种群,这对花园和农业土地都有益。此外,它们的筑巢习惯也为生态系统做出了贡献;它们通常在密集的灌木或树洞中筑巢,为幼鸟和其他小生物提供安全的庇护所。wren是一个穴居鸟,意味着它喜欢在隐蔽的地方下蛋,这增加了它的魅力和神秘感。 wren的适应能力也值得注意。它们可以在各种环境中茁壮成长,从城市地区到乡村风景。这种韧性使它们在许多后院中成为常见的景象,常常光顾鸟食器和浴盆。鸟类观察爱好者尤其喜欢观察这些充满活力的生物,因为它们在灌木丛中飞来飞去,展示出它们的杂技技巧。 总之,wren不仅仅是一只小鸟;它是快乐、韧性和生态平衡的象征。它的存在增强了我们的花园和公园,让我们想起自然的美丽。无论你是热衷于观察鸟类的人,还是只是喜欢自然声音的人,花一点时间欣赏wren都能带来一种平静和与周围世界的联系。当我们继续保护自然栖息地时,让我们记住这些小鸟的重要性以及它们在生态系统中扮演的角色。下次你听到wren甜美的歌声时,请暂停片刻,反思一下环绕我们的自然奇观。