n. (皮肤上的)皱纹;(布或纸上的)皱褶; <非正式>小困难,小难题;<非正式>令人吃惊的情节,出人意料的事情;<非正式>妙计,好主意
v. (使脸上)起皱纹,皱起;(布料等)起皱,起褶
复 数 w r i n k l e s
第 三 人 称 单 数 w r i n k l e s
现 在 分 词 w r i n k l i n g
过 去 式 w r i n k l e d
过 去 分 词 w r i n k l e d
A small line or fold in something, especially fabric or skin. | 在某物上,尤其是布料或皮肤上出现的小线条或折痕。 |
使某物产生小的线条或折痕。 | |
一个小缺陷或不完美之处。 |
褶皱回复;折痕回复力 | |
使起皱纹 |
褶皱 | 这件衬衫有几个褶皱需要熨平。 | ||
折叠 | 她注意到布料上出现了一个以前没有的折叠。 | ||
线条 | 那张旧纸上满是线条和皱纹。 | ||
收缩 | 面料经过几次洗涤后开始收缩。 | ||
皱褶 | 叶子干燥时会皱缩。 |
光滑的 | 桌子的表面是光滑的。 | ||
平坦的 | 她把衬衫熨烫到平坦。 | ||
无皱纹的 | 尽管年纪大了,他的脸却没有皱纹。 |
1.Buy clothing that is made out of wrinkle-free fabric.
2.Invest in a good wrinkle spray.
3.Choose wrinkle-free clothes.
4.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
5.This is probably not the only or most important wrinkle in the story.
6.But there is a wrinkle here.
7.There is, however, a wrinkle.
8.A lot of cottons and silks are cool but they wrinkle easily.
9.She noticed a small wrinkle in her dress before the party.
10.The old man had a wrinkle on his forehead that showed his years of worry.
11.To remove the wrinkles from the shirt, she used an iron.
12.He tried to smooth out the wrinkle in the fabric with his hands.
13.There was a noticeable wrinkle in the plan that needed to be addressed.
Life is full of surprises, and sometimes those surprises come in the form of unexpected challenges. One such challenge that many people face is the inevitable appearance of *wrinkles* (皱纹) as they age. While some may view *wrinkles* (皱纹) as a sign of aging, others see them as a testament to a life well-lived, filled with laughter and experiences. In this essay, I will explore the significance of *wrinkles* (皱纹), both literally and metaphorically, and how they can shape our perception of beauty and wisdom. As we grow older, our skin undergoes various changes. The loss of collagen and elastin leads to the formation of *wrinkles* (皱纹) on our faces, hands, and other parts of our bodies. Many people feel self-conscious about these changes and resort to cosmetic procedures or skincare products to minimize their appearance. However, it is essential to recognize that *wrinkles* (皱纹) are a natural part of life. They tell the story of our journey, reflecting the moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. Each *wrinkle* (皱纹) carries a memory, a laugh line from years of happiness, or a frown line from moments of worry and stress. Moreover, the societal perception of beauty often emphasizes youthfulness, leading many to fear the appearance of *wrinkles* (皱纹). This fear can create a cycle of anxiety and insecurity. However, embracing *wrinkles* (皱纹) can be liberating. It allows us to accept ourselves as we are, to appreciate the wisdom that comes with age, and to celebrate the experiences that have shaped us. Instead of trying to hide *wrinkles* (皱纹), we should learn to embrace them as symbols of our resilience and growth. On a metaphorical level, *wrinkles* (皱纹) can also represent the challenges and complexities of life. Just as our skin develops *wrinkles* (皱纹) over time, our experiences can leave us with emotional and mental *wrinkles* (皱纹) as well. These *wrinkles* (皱纹) may manifest as scars from past struggles or lessons learned through hardship. They remind us that life is not always smooth; it has its ups and downs, twists and turns. Embracing these metaphorical *wrinkles* (皱纹) can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. In conclusion, *wrinkles* (皱纹) are an inevitable part of life, both physically and metaphorically. Rather than viewing them as flaws, we should embrace them as markers of our journey. Each *wrinkle* (皱纹) tells a story, and together they form the tapestry of our lives. By accepting our *wrinkles* (皱纹), we can cultivate a sense of confidence and appreciation for the experiences that have shaped us into who we are today. Ultimately, it is not the absence of *wrinkles* (皱纹) that defines beauty or wisdom, but rather the richness of our experiences and the authenticity of our selves.
生活充满了惊喜,有时这些惊喜以意想不到的挑战的形式出现。许多人面临的一个挑战是随着年龄的增长,不可避免地出现的*皱纹*(wrinkle)。虽然有些人可能将*皱纹*(wrinkle)视为衰老的标志,但其他人则将其视为生命的见证,充满了欢笑和经历。在这篇文章中,我将探讨*皱纹*(wrinkle)的重要性,无论是字面上的还是隐喻上的,以及它们如何塑造我们对美和智慧的看法。 随着我们年龄的增长,我们的皮肤会经历各种变化。胶原蛋白和弹性的流失导致我们脸部、手部和身体其他部位形成*皱纹*(wrinkle)。许多人对这些变化感到自卑,并求助于美容程序或护肤产品来减少它们的出现。然而,重要的是要认识到*皱纹*(wrinkle)是生活中自然的一部分。它们讲述了我们的旅程,反映出快乐、悲伤以及一切介于两者之间的时刻。每一道*皱纹*(wrinkle)都承载着记忆,是多年来幸福的笑纹,或是忧虑与压力的愁眉苦脸。 此外,社会对美的看法往往强调年轻,这使得许多人害怕*皱纹*(wrinkle)的出现。这种恐惧可能会造成焦虑和不安全感的循环。然而,接受*皱纹*(wrinkle)可以让人感到解放。它让我们接受自己本来的样子,欣赏随年龄增长而来的智慧,并庆祝塑造我们的经历。我们应该学会拥抱*皱纹*(wrinkle),将其视为我们韧性和成长的象征,而不是试图隐藏它们。 在隐喻层面上,*皱纹*(wrinkle)也可以代表生活中的挑战和复杂性。正如我们的皮肤随着时间的发展而产生*皱纹*(wrinkle),我们的经历也可能给我们留下情感和心理上的*皱纹*(wrinkle)。这些*皱纹*(wrinkle)可能表现为过去挣扎留下的伤疤,或是通过艰难困苦学到的教训。它们提醒我们,生活并不总是一帆风顺;它有起伏、曲折和转折。接受这些隐喻上的*皱纹*(wrinkle)可以促进个人成长,让我们更深入地理解自己和他人。 总之,*皱纹*(wrinkle)是生活中不可避免的一部分,无论是身体上还是隐喻上。与其将它们视为缺陷,不如将其视为我们旅程的标志。每一道*皱纹*(wrinkle)都讲述着一个故事,它们共同构成了我们生活的织锦。通过接受我们的*皱纹*(wrinkle),我们可以培养出一种自信和对塑造我们成为今天自己的经历的欣赏。最终,定义美或智慧的不是*皱纹*(wrinkle)的缺失,而是我们经历的丰富性和我们自身的真实性。