n. [法] 令状;文书;法院命令
复 数 w r i t s
人身保护令 | |
强制令 | |
复审令 | |
发出令状 | |
送达令状 | |
提交令状 |
命令 | 法院发出了出庭命令。 | ||
授权 | 他们收到了政府的授权。 | ||
法令 | 总统签署了一项法令以实施新政策。 | ||
传票 | 他收到了出庭作证的传票。 | ||
传唤 | 她收到了提供文件的传唤。 |
口头命令 | 经理给团队下了一个口头命令。 | ||
非正式协议 | They reached an informal agreement without any written documentation. | 他们在没有任何书面文件的情况下达成了非正式协议。 |
1.The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract.
2.Another is that Britain, with its big financial-services sector, is Iceland writ large.
3.This is deception writ large.
4.We fully intend to issue a writ against the newspaper.
5.But for all the powerful sentimental hold the writ still has.
6.This is the effect of cognitive fluency writ large across the marketplace.
7.The judge issued a writ 命令书 to compel the defendant to appear in court.
法官发出了一个writ 命令书,强迫被告出庭。
8.She received a writ 传票 from the court regarding her upcoming trial.
她收到了法院发出的writ 传票,关于她即将到来的审判。
9.The attorney filed a writ 法律文书 to challenge the lower court's decision.
律师提交了一份writ 法律文书,以挑战下级法院的决定。
10.He was served with a writ 传票 for failing to pay his taxes.
因未支付税款,他收到了一个writ 传票。
11.The writ 令状 allowed the police to search the premises legally.
该writ 令状允许警方合法地搜查该处所。
The concept of a writ is deeply rooted in the legal systems of many countries, particularly in common law jurisdictions. A writ is essentially a formal written order issued by a body with administrative or judicial jurisdiction. It commands the person to whom it is addressed to perform or refrain from performing a specific act. In this essay, I will explore the significance and various types of writs within the legal framework, illustrating their importance in protecting individual rights and maintaining justice. One of the most well-known types of writ is the writ of habeas corpus. This legal tool is crucial for safeguarding personal liberty. When a person is detained or imprisoned, they can file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, which compels the authorities to justify the legality of the detention. This writ serves as a check on unlawful imprisonment and ensures that individuals are not held without just cause. Another significant writ is the writ of mandamus. This type of writ is issued by a higher court to compel a lower court or government official to perform a duty that they are legally obligated to complete. For example, if a public official fails to fulfill their responsibilities, a citizen may seek a writ of mandamus to ensure that the official carries out their duties. This writ is an essential mechanism for accountability within the public sector. Additionally, the writ of prohibition is another critical legal instrument. This writ is used to prevent lower courts from exceeding their jurisdiction or acting beyond their legal authority. When a party believes that a lower court is about to make a ruling that exceeds its powers, they can seek a writ of prohibition to halt the proceedings. This ensures that the rule of law is upheld and that courts operate within their designated boundaries. Moreover, the writ of certiorari is significant in the appellate process. It is used by higher courts to review the decisions of lower courts. When a party believes that a lower court made an error in judgment, they can petition for a writ of certiorari, requesting the higher court to examine the case. This writ fosters a system of checks and balances, allowing for corrections of judicial errors and ensuring that justice prevails. In conclusion, the term writ encompasses various legal orders that play a vital role in the administration of justice. From the writ of habeas corpus, which protects personal freedom, to the writ of mandamus, which enforces accountability, these legal instruments are fundamental to upholding individual rights and ensuring that the rule of law is maintained. Understanding the significance of writs allows us to appreciate the complexities of the legal system and the mechanisms in place to protect our rights as citizens. Therefore, the study of writs is not only important for legal professionals but also for anyone interested in the principles of justice and governance in society.
‘writ’的概念深深植根于许多国家的法律体系中,特别是在普通法管辖区。‘writ’本质上是一种由具有行政或司法管辖权的机构发出的正式书面命令。它命令被指向的人执行或停止执行特定行为。在这篇文章中,我将探讨‘writ’在法律框架中的重要性和各种类型,阐明它们在保护个人权利和维护正义方面的重要性。 最著名的‘writ’之一是人身保护令(habeas corpus)。这一法律工具对保护个人自由至关重要。当一个人被拘留或监禁时,他们可以申请人身保护令,该令迫使当局证明拘留的合法性。这个‘writ’作为对非法监禁的检查,确保个人不会被无故拘留。 另一个重要的‘writ’是强制令(mandamus)。这种类型的‘writ’是由上级法院发布的,旨在迫使下级法院或政府官员履行其法律义务。例如,如果一名公职人员未能履行其职责,公民可以寻求强制令,以确保该官员履行其职责。这个‘writ’是公共部门问责制的重要机制。 此外,禁止令(prohibition)也是另一种关键的法律工具。这种‘writ’用于防止下级法院超越其管辖权或超出其法律权威。当一方认为下级法院即将做出超出其权限的裁决时,他们可以寻求禁止令以停止诉讼。这确保了法治的维护,并确保法院在其指定的边界内运作。 而且,调卷令(certiorari)在上诉过程中也很重要。它被上级法院用来审查下级法院的决定。当一方认为下级法院在判决中犯了错误时,他们可以请求调卷令,请求上级法院审查案件。这个‘writ’促进了制衡制度,允许纠正司法错误,确保正义得以实现。 总之,‘writ’这个术语涵盖了多种法律命令,在司法管理中发挥着至关重要的作用。从保护个人自由的人身保护令,到强制履行问责制的强制令,这些法律工具对维护个人权利和确保法治至关重要。理解‘writ’的重要性使我们能够欣赏法律系统的复杂性以及保护我们作为公民权利的机制。因此,研究‘writ’不仅对法律专业人士重要,也对任何对社会正义和治理原则感兴趣的人来说都是必要的。