n. 软弱的人,胆小鬼
v. 因害怕或缺乏信心而失败
复 数 w u s s e s
第 三 人 称 单 数 w u s s e s
现 在 分 词 w u s s i n g
过 去 式 w u s s e d
过 去 分 词 w u s s e d
A weak or ineffectual person; someone who is easily frightened or intimidated. | 一个软弱或无能的人;容易被吓倒或威胁的人。 |
别当懦夫 | |
他真是个懦夫 | |
在某事上退缩 | |
一个彻底的懦夫 |
懦夫 | 他真是个懦夫,连为自己辩护都不敢。 | ||
弱者 | 别做弱者;你能应对这个挑战。 | ||
软弱的人 | 别再软弱了,掌控局面吧。 | ||
娘娘腔 | Calling him a pansy just because he prefers to avoid conflict is unfair. | 仅仅因为他喜欢避免冲突就称他为娘娘腔是不公平的。 |
强硬的 | 他足够强硬,能够应对任何挑战。 | ||
勇敢的 | It takes a brave person to stand up for what they believe in. | 站出来为自己所信仰的东西辩护需要一个勇敢的人。 | |
强壮的 | 她在困难时期展现了自己坚强的性格。 |
1.What if he only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly - man on the outside, but he's actually a push - over WUSS-BAG that is insecure and makes up for it by acting like a tough guy?
2.What if he only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly - man on the outside, but he's actually a push - over WUSS-BAG that is insecure and makes up for it by acting like a tough guy?
3.If there's one thing that triggers an attractive single woman's WUSS-DAR, it's a man's posture, gestures, eye contact, voice tone, etc.
4.I am aware that I sound like the biggest wuss on the planet but I hate leeches and continue with my display of Stoic bravery and jungle survival skills.
5."I confess to being a big wuss," she admitted.
6.Musashi: Two against one? What a wuss.
7.One of the things that triggers a woman's WUSS-DAR is a man who FOLLOWS.
8.Capri can't stop laughing. "Come on, you wuss."
9.Don't be such a wuss! Just go and ask her out.
10.He called me a wuss for not wanting to jump off the high dive.
11.Stop being a wuss and stand up for yourself.
12.She thinks I'm a wuss because I don't like horror movies.
13.He’s always acting like a wuss when it comes to confrontation.
In today's society, the term wuss is often thrown around in casual conversations, but what does it truly mean? A wuss is typically someone who is perceived as weak, timid, or overly sensitive. This label can be applied to anyone from a friend who backs down from a challenge to a colleague who hesitates to express their opinions. Understanding the implications of calling someone a wuss requires us to delve into the cultural context behind the word. The origins of the word wuss can be traced back to the 1980s, where it emerged as slang in American English. It is often used in a derogatory sense, implying that the person lacks courage or strength. For example, if a group of friends is planning an adventurous trip and one member decides to opt-out due to fear, the others might jokingly call them a wuss. While this might be meant in good fun, it can also reflect a deeper societal expectation that individuals should always be brave and willing to take risks. However, labeling someone as a wuss can be problematic. It perpetuates the idea that vulnerability is a weakness, which is far from the truth. In fact, acknowledging one's fears and limits is a sign of emotional intelligence and strength. Many people who are called wusss may simply be more cautious or thoughtful in their decision-making processes. They might prioritize their well-being over societal expectations, which is a commendable trait. Furthermore, the term wuss can also have gendered implications. Men, in particular, may feel pressured to conform to traditional notions of masculinity, which often equate strength with stoicism and aggression. When a man expresses fear or vulnerability, he might be labeled a wuss, reinforcing harmful stereotypes about masculinity. This can lead to a toxic cycle where individuals suppress their emotions, fearing judgment from others. To illustrate this point, consider the story of a young boy named Jake. Jake was passionate about dance but faced ridicule from his peers for pursuing an activity that was deemed 'feminine.' His classmates often called him a wuss, which made him question his passion. Ultimately, Jake decided to embrace his love for dance, proving that being true to oneself is far more important than fitting into societal molds. His journey highlights that the label of wuss is not a reflection of one's worth or abilities but rather a commentary on societal norms. In conclusion, the word wuss carries significant weight in our language and culture. While it may be used casually among friends, we must be mindful of its implications. Instead of using labels that diminish others, we should foster an environment where vulnerability is seen as a strength. Encouraging open conversations about fears and challenges can help dismantle the stigma associated with being a wuss. Ultimately, we all have our moments of doubt and hesitation, and that is perfectly okay. Embracing our authentic selves, regardless of how others perceive us, is the key to personal growth and happiness.
在当今社会,术语wuss常常在随意的谈话中被提及,但它究竟意味着什么?wuss通常是指那些被认为软弱、胆怯或过于敏感的人。这个标签可以用来形容从一个退缩挑战的朋友到一个犹豫不决表达自己意见的同事的任何人。理解称呼某人为wuss的含义需要我们深入探讨这个词背后的文化背景。 wuss一词的起源可以追溯到1980年代,它作为俚语出现在美式英语中。它通常以贬义的方式使用,暗示这个人缺乏勇气或力量。例如,如果一群朋友正在计划一次冒险之旅,而其中一位成员因恐惧而决定退出,其他人可能会开玩笑地称他们为wuss。虽然这可能是出于好意,但它也可能反映出社会对个人应该始终勇敢和愿意冒险的期望。 然而,将某人标记为wuss可能是有问题的。它助长了脆弱是弱点的观念,这与事实截然相反。实际上,承认自己的恐惧和限制是一种情商和力量的表现。许多被称为wuss的人可能只是更谨慎或深思熟虑地做出决策。他们可能将自己的健康置于社会期望之上,这是一种值得称赞的品质。 此外,wuss一词也可能具有性别隐含意义。特别是男性,可能会感受到遵循传统男性气概的压力,这种气概往往将力量与冷漠和攻击性等同。当一个男性表达恐惧或脆弱时,他可能会被贴上wuss的标签,从而强化对男性气质的有害刻板印象。这可能导致一种有毒的循环,个人压抑自己的情感,害怕他人的评判。 为了说明这一点,考虑一下一个名叫杰克的小男孩的故事。杰克热爱舞蹈,但因为追求一种被视为“女性化”的活动而遭到同龄人的嘲笑。他的同学们经常称他为wuss,这让他质疑自己的激情。最终,杰克决定拥抱他对舞蹈的热爱,证明忠于自我远比适应社会模具更重要。他的旅程突显出wuss这个标签并不是对一个人价值或能力的反映,而是对社会规范的一种评论。 总之,wuss这个词在我们的语言和文化中具有重要意义。虽然它可能在朋友之间随意使用,但我们必须注意其隐含意义。与其使用贬低他人的标签,我们应该营造一个脆弱被视为力量的环境。鼓励关于恐惧和挑战的开放对话可以帮助拆除与成为wuss相关的污名。最终,我们每个人都有怀疑和犹豫的时刻,这完全没有问题。无论他人如何看待我们,接受真实的自我才是个人成长和幸福的关键。