猛拉(yank 的现在分词)
用力拉某物 | |
把它拔出来 | |
停止用力拉 | |
用力拉开门 | |
用力拉绳子 | |
捉弄某人 |
拉 | 他正在拉开门。 | ||
猛拉 | 她猛地拉了一下绳子。 | ||
拽 | 我在拽那个卡住的抽屉。 | ||
扭动 | 他扭开了罐子的盖子。 |
保持 | 他紧紧握住绳子。 | ||
释放 | 她决定把气球放飞到天空中。 |
1.I watched my mother bend down by one of the clumps. "I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds," she said, yanking a blossom up by its roots. "From now on, we'll have only roses in this garden."
2.The pull AND JERK HANDSHAKE: a yanking, or pulling of the interviewer's entire arm, moving their entire body. This is NOT professional.
3.The pendulum jarred against her arm, of course, while she was yanking the latch free to open the glass panel of the clock.
4.Let's imagine tying a rope to a tree and yanking the free end up and down .
5.“In those neighborhoods you’ll sometimes see kids yanking around a dog on the leash, pushing and playing, the sort of behavior that some middle-class owners would think of as abuse, ” she said.
在这些地方经常会看见小孩使劲拽着拴狗的皮带,推推嚷嚷,尽情玩乐。 在中产阶级眼里这样做简直是对狗的侮辱。
6.Stop yanking at my shawl; I can't breathe.
7.She was afraid of yanking off the leaves of a plant on her desk.
8.One night, Mandy woke near dawn to see her father yanking open her bureau drawers. He stuffed a duffelbag with her tank tops and jeans.
9.He was yanking the door handle, trying to get it open.
10.The child kept yanking on his mother's shirt to get her attention.
11.She was yanking the weeds out of the garden with all her strength.
12.He gave a hard yank on the fishing line when he felt a tug.
13.The mechanic was yanking the old engine out of the car.
In our daily lives, we often encounter situations that require us to act quickly and decisively. One such action is yanking, which refers to pulling something with a sudden, strong movement. This word can describe various scenarios, from pulling a stubborn door open to yanking a child away from danger. Understanding the nuances of yanking can help us better articulate our experiences and emotions in different situations. For instance, imagine you are in a crowded subway station, and suddenly, you see a small child wandering too close to the edge of the platform. Instinctively, you might find yourself yanking the child back to safety. In this context, yanking conveys not just the physical action but also the urgency and intensity of the moment. It emphasizes the need for immediate action to prevent potential harm. Similarly, yanking can also be used in less critical situations. Picture a scenario where someone is trying to open a jar that has been sealed tightly. After several attempts, they might resort to yanking the lid off in frustration. Here, yanking illustrates the emotional buildup leading to that decisive action, showcasing how our feelings can influence our physical responses. The versatility of the term yanking extends beyond physical actions; it can also be applied metaphorically. For example, when discussing a sudden change in a person's life, one might say, "Life has a way of yanking us out of our comfort zones." In this case, yanking symbolizes the abruptness of change and the challenges that come with adapting to new circumstances. Moreover, the concept of yanking can be seen in various forms of art and literature. Writers often use the imagery of yanking to evoke strong emotions or highlight moments of tension. A character may experience a sudden realization that feels like being yanked from ignorance into awareness. Such literary devices enhance the reader's engagement by creating vivid mental images and emotional connections. In conclusion, the word yanking carries significant weight in both literal and figurative contexts. Whether it’s a quick physical action or a metaphorical expression of life's unpredictability, understanding how to use yanking effectively enriches our communication. By incorporating this word into our vocabulary, we can express urgency, frustration, and even transformation with greater clarity. So next time you find yourself yanking something or someone, take a moment to reflect on the deeper meanings behind that action and how it relates to your emotional state. This awareness not only enhances our language skills but also deepens our understanding of human experiences.
在我们的日常生活中,我们经常会遇到需要快速果断行动的情况。其中一种动作就是yanking,它指的是用突然、强烈的动作拉扯某物。这个词可以描述各种场景,从拉开一个顽固的门到把孩子从危险中拉回。理解yanking的细微差别可以帮助我们更好地表达我们在不同情况下的经历和情感。 例如,想象一下你在一个拥挤的地铁站,突然看到一个小孩在靠近站台的边缘徘徊。你可能会本能地yanking孩子拉回安全。在这种情况下,yanking不仅传达了身体上的动作,还强调了时刻的紧迫性和强度。它突出了为了防止潜在伤害而需要立即采取行动的必要性。 同样,yanking也可以用于不那么关键的情况。想象一个人试图打开一个封得很紧的罐子。经过几次尝试后,他们可能会因沮丧而选择yanking盖子。在这里,yanking描绘了导致这一决定性行动的情感积累,展示了我们的感受如何影响我们的身体反应。 yanking一词的多样性超越了身体动作;它也可以被比喻性地应用。例如,在讨论一个人生活中的突然变化时,人们可能会说:“生活有一种方式把我们从舒适区yanking出来。”在这种情况下,yanking象征着变化的突然性以及适应新环境所面临的挑战。 此外,yanking的概念也可以在各种艺术和文学形式中看到。作家们常常使用yanking的意象来唤起强烈的情感或突出紧张的时刻。一个角色可能会经历一种突然的领悟,感觉就像被yanking从无知中拉向觉醒。这种文学手法通过创造生动的心理图像和情感联系来增强读者的参与感。 总之,yanking这个词在字面和比喻的语境中都具有重要意义。无论是快速的身体动作还是对生活不可预测性的隐喻表达,理解如何有效使用yanking丰富了我们的交流。通过将这个词纳入我们的词汇中,我们可以更清晰地表达紧迫感、挫败感甚至转变。因此,下次当你发现自己在yanking某物或某人时,花点时间反思这一动作背后的更深层含义以及它与您的情感状态的关系。这种意识不仅增强了我们的语言能力,也深化了我们对人类经历的理解。