n. 一种鲱
n. (Yellowtail)人名;(英)耶洛泰尔
复 数 y e l l o w t a i l s 或 y e l l o w t a i l
琥珀鲹 | 琥珀鲹常用于寿司和生鱼片菜肴。 | ||
金枪鱼 | 金枪鱼是烧烤菜肴和波克碗的热门选择。 | ||
黄鳍鲔 | Yellowfin tuna is known for its rich flavor and firm texture. | 黄鳍鲔以其浓郁的风味和坚实的质地而闻名。 |
蓝鱼 | 蓝鱼通常在大西洋中发现。 | ||
红鱼 | Redfish are popular for their sweet flavor and are commonly used in many dishes. | 红鱼因其甜美的味道而受到欢迎,常用于多种菜肴中。 |
1.Nomura's jellyfish first arrived in Japanese waters in 2005 when fisherman out looking for anchovies, salmon and yellowtail began finding large numbers of the gelatinous creatures in their nets.
2.Nomura's jellyfish first arrived in Japanese waters in 2005 when fisherman out looking for anchovies, salmon and yellowtail began finding large numbers of the gelatinous creatures in their nets.
3.The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus), which are now in significant commercial production.
4.Young tom brought the platter of yellowtail, yellow and white grunts, and rock hind up into the cockpit.
5.The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish and mulloway.
6.I ordered a sushi roll with yellowtail (黄尾鱼) as the main ingredient.
7.The chef recommended a dish featuring grilled yellowtail (黄尾鱼) with a citrus sauce.
8.During our fishing trip, we caught a big yellowtail (黄尾鱼) and decided to grill it for dinner.
9.The restaurant specializes in fresh yellowtail (黄尾鱼) sashimi, served with wasabi.
10.I love the rich flavor of yellowtail (黄尾鱼) when it's marinated in soy sauce.
The ocean is a vast and mysterious place, home to countless species that vary in size, shape, and color. Among these marine creatures, the yellowtail stands out for its vibrant appearance and delicious taste. The term yellowtail typically refers to several species of fish, but it is most commonly associated with the Pacific yellowtail, scientifically known as Seriola lalandi. This fish is not only popular among anglers but also a favorite in culinary circles, especially in sushi and sashimi dishes. When I first encountered the yellowtail, it was during a fishing trip with my friends off the coast of California. We had heard stories about the thrill of catching this fast-swimming fish, known for its agility and strength. Armed with our fishing rods and a sense of adventure, we set out early in the morning, eager to experience the excitement of reeling in a yellowtail. As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden hue on the water, we anchored our boat in a promising spot. It wasn’t long before we felt the first tug on our lines. The battle that ensued was exhilarating; the yellowtail fought fiercely, making quick, darting movements that tested our skills as anglers. After a thrilling struggle, I finally managed to bring a beautiful yellowtail aboard. Its shimmering skin, marked by a distinctive yellow stripe along its side, was a sight to behold. Catching a yellowtail was just the beginning of our adventure. Later that evening, we decided to prepare a feast to celebrate our successful day. We filleted the fish, marveling at the quality of its flesh, which was firm and glistening. My friend, who was an aspiring chef, took charge of the kitchen, crafting a delicious yellowtail sashimi that showcased the fish's delicate flavor. As we sat around the table, savoring each bite, I realized that the experience of catching the yellowtail was not just about the thrill of fishing; it was also about sharing good food and creating lasting memories with friends. In addition to its culinary appeal, the yellowtail holds significant ecological importance. As a predator in the marine food chain, it helps maintain the balance of ocean ecosystems. However, like many fish species, the yellowtail faces threats from overfishing and habitat loss. This realization prompted me to reflect on the importance of sustainable fishing practices and the need to protect our oceans. By being mindful of our fishing habits and supporting regulations that promote sustainability, we can ensure that future generations will also have the opportunity to experience the thrill of catching a yellowtail. In conclusion, the yellowtail is more than just a fish; it represents the beauty and bounty of the ocean. My encounter with this remarkable creature reminded me of the joy of fishing, the importance of camaraderie, and the necessity of conservation. Whether enjoyed on the plate or admired in the water, the yellowtail will always hold a special place in my heart, symbolizing the adventures and lessons learned along the way.
海洋是一个广阔而神秘的地方,栖息着无数种类的生物,它们在大小、形状和颜色上各不相同。在这些海洋生物中,yellowtail因其鲜艳的外观和美味的口感而脱颖而出。术语yellowtail通常指代几种鱼类,但最常与太平洋黄尾鱼(学名:Seriola lalandi)相关联。这种鱼不仅在钓鱼者中受欢迎,也是烹饪界的宠儿,尤其是在寿司和生鱼片菜肴中。 当我第一次遇到yellowtail时,是在加利福尼亚海岸的一次钓鱼之旅中。我们听说过关于捕捉这种快速游动的鱼的刺激故事,它以敏捷和力量而闻名。我们带着钓鱼竿和冒险的心态,清晨就出发了,渴望体验拉起一条yellowtail的兴奋。 随着太阳在地平线上升起,金色的光辉洒在水面上,我们在一个有希望的地方停下了船。不久,我们就感觉到钩上的第一次拉扯。随之而来的战斗令人振奋;yellowtail奋力挣扎,迅速而灵活的动作考验着我们的钓鱼技巧。经过一番激烈的斗争,我终于将一条美丽的yellowtail拉上了船。它闪闪发光的皮肤,侧面有着独特的黄色条纹,令人叹为观止。 捕到一条yellowtail仅仅是我们冒险的开始。当天晚上,我们决定准备一顿盛宴来庆祝我们的成功。我们将鱼片开,惊叹于其肉质的优良,肉质坚实且闪亮。我的一个朋友是个有抱负的厨师,他负责厨房,制作了一道美味的yellowtail生鱼片,展现了这条鱼的细腻风味。当我们围坐在桌旁,品尝每一口时,我意识到捕捉yellowtail的经历不仅仅是钓鱼的刺激;还在于与朋友分享美食和创造持久的回忆。 除了其烹饪吸引力外,yellowtail在生态上也具有重要意义。作为海洋食物链中的捕食者,它帮助维持海洋生态系统的平衡。然而,像许多鱼类一样,yellowtail面临着过度捕捞和栖息地丧失的威胁。这一认识促使我反思可持续捕鱼实践的重要性以及保护海洋的必要性。通过关注我们的捕鱼习惯并支持促进可持续性的法规,我们可以确保未来的世代也能有机会体验捕捉yellowtail的刺激。 总之,yellowtail不仅仅是一条鱼;它代表了海洋的美丽和丰饶。我与这种非凡生物的相遇提醒我钓鱼的乐趣、友谊的重要性以及保护的必要性。无论是在餐盘上享用还是在水中欣赏,yellowtail始终在我心中占据特殊的位置,象征着沿途的冒险和所学的课程。