n. 自耕农;自由民;义勇骑兵队队员;(英国皇家海军中)司旗灯信号的军士;(美国海军的)文书军士;侍从,仆人(yeoman 的复数)
忠诚服务 | |
农场主 | |
一个农夫的职责 | |
皇家卫队 |
领主 | 在封建制度中,领主拥有重要的权力。 | ||
贵族 | 贵族通常拥有广阔的土地和财富。 |
1.From the middle period, the basic society was destroyed and many yeomen were reduced to servants, because of land centralization and ineqality of taxes and labor services.
2.From the middle period, the basic society was destroyed and many yeomen were reduced to servants, because of land centralization and ineqality of taxes and labor services.
3.The family had possessed and cultivated an estate there for many years, as yeomen and farmers .
4.The yeomen were the major producers in the Wei Dynasty.
5.The king rewarded his loyal yeomen 农夫 with land for their service.
国王因他们的服务而奖励忠诚的yeomen 农夫以土地。
6.In medieval times, yeomen 自由民 were often the backbone of the army.
在中世纪,yeomen 自由民通常是军队的支柱。
7.The estate was managed by a group of yeomen 小地主 who worked hard to maintain its productivity.
这个庄园由一群yeomen 小地主管理,他们努力维持其生产力。
8.During the festival, the yeomen 农夫 displayed their best crops in the market.
在节日期间,yeomen 农夫在市场上展示了他们最好的农作物。
9.The tales of brave yeomen 小地主 and their adventures were popular among the villagers.
勇敢的yeomen 小地主及其冒险故事在村民中很受欢迎。
The term yeomen refers to a historical class of small landowners in England, who were often considered to be the backbone of the rural economy. These individuals typically owned their own land and were known for their independence and self-sufficiency. In medieval times, yeomen played a crucial role in agriculture and local governance. They were not part of the nobility, but they held a significant place in society due to their ability to manage their farms and contribute to the local economy. In literature, yeomen are often depicted as hardworking and virtuous characters. For example, in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," one of the characters is a yeoman who serves a knight. This portrayal highlights the importance of yeomen in supporting the feudal system while also showcasing their loyalty and dedication. The yeomen were seen as reliable and trustworthy individuals, often called upon to serve in times of war or crisis. The social status of yeomen began to change during the Renaissance period. As cities grew and trade expanded, many yeomen transitioned from agricultural work to urban occupations. This shift marked the beginning of a new era where the traditional roles of yeomen were challenged. Despite these changes, the values associated with yeomen — hard work, integrity, and community spirit — remained influential in shaping the character of the English countryside. In modern terms, the legacy of yeomen can still be seen in various aspects of British culture. The phrase "yeoman's service" is often used to describe someone who has performed their duties well and has made a significant contribution, reflecting the historical significance of yeomen as dependable workers. Furthermore, the concept of the yeoman continues to resonate in discussions about land ownership, farming practices, and rural life in contemporary society. Moreover, the idea of the yeoman has been romanticized in popular culture, where they are often depicted as noble figures fighting for justice and fairness. This portrayal taps into the collective memory of a time when yeomen were essential to the fabric of society, emphasizing their role as protectors of the land and community. In conclusion, understanding the term yeomen goes beyond its historical context; it invites us to reflect on the values of hard work, dedication, and community service that these individuals embodied. As we navigate the complexities of modern society, the legacy of the yeomen serves as a reminder of the importance of these virtues and the impact that dedicated individuals can have on their communities. Whether in literature, history, or contemporary discussions, the essence of the yeomen continues to inspire and challenge us to uphold the principles of diligence and integrity in our own lives.
“yeomen”这个词指的是历史上英格兰的一类小土地拥有者,他们通常被认为是农村经济的支柱。这些人通常拥有自己的土地,以独立和自给自足而闻名。在中世纪,yeomen在农业和地方治理中扮演了至关重要的角色。他们不是贵族,但由于能够管理自己的农场并为地方经济做出贡献,他们在社会中占有重要地位。 在文学作品中,yeomen常常被描绘为勤奋和美德的人物。例如,在乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》中,其中一个角色是为骑士服务的yeoman。这种描绘突显了yeomen在支持封建制度中的重要性,同时也展示了他们的忠诚和奉献。yeomen被视为可靠和值得信赖的人,常常在战争或危机时期被召唤服务。 在文艺复兴时期,yeomen的社会地位开始发生变化。随着城市的发展和贸易的扩大,许多yeomen从农业工作转向城市职业。这一转变标志着一个新时代的开始,传统的yeomen角色受到了挑战。尽管发生了这些变化,与yeomen相关的价值观——勤奋、正直和社区精神——仍然在塑造英格兰乡村的性格方面具有影响力。 在现代,yeomen的遗产仍然可以在英国文化的各个方面看到。“yeoman's service”这个短语常用来形容某人出色地履行职责并做出了重要贡献,反映了yeomen作为可靠工人的历史重要性。此外,关于土地所有权、农业实践和当代社会农村生活的讨论中,yeomen的概念仍然引发共鸣。 此外,yeoman的理念在流行文化中被浪漫化,他们常常被描绘成为正义和公平而战的高尚人物。这种描绘触及了人们对yeomen作为土地和社区保护者的集体记忆,强调了他们在社会结构中的角色。 总之,理解yeomen这个词不仅限于其历史背景;它还邀请我们反思这些人所体现的勤奋、奉献和社区服务的价值观。当我们在现代社会中导航时,yeomen的遗产提醒我们这些美德的重要性,以及奉献个人对其社区的影响。无论是在文学、历史还是当代讨论中,yeomen的本质继续激励和挑战我们在自己的生活中坚持勤奋和正直的原则。