n. 游手好闲的小青年;小坏蛋;粗鲁无礼的年轻人(等于 yob)
复 数 y o b b o s 或 y o b b o e s
A yobbo is a loud, aggressive, or uncouth young man, often associated with rowdy behavior. | yobbo指的是一个大声、好斗或粗俗的年轻人,通常与喧闹的行为相关。 |
粗人 | 那个粗人在酒吧闹了一场。 | ||
暴徒 | 那个暴徒威胁店主要钱。 | ||
恶棍 | 那个恶棍因破坏公物被捕。 | ||
流氓 | 流氓在足球比赛中制造了麻烦。 |
绅士 | 他总是表现得像一个真正的绅士。 | ||
老练的人 | She is a sophisticate who knows how to navigate social situations. | 她是一个老练的人,知道如何应对社交场合。 |
1.You can't have that role and then say that we can behave like any yobbo, " Atkinson said."
2.You can't have that role and then say that we can behave like any yobbo, " Atkinson said."
3.You can't have that role and then say that we can behave like any yobbo.
4.That group of yobbos is always causing trouble at the pub.
5.I can't believe those yobbos were shouting and swearing in front of the children.
6.The police had to intervene when the yobbos started fighting in the street.
7.He was just a yobbo who didn't know how to behave in public.
8.Those yobbos think they own the place just because they are loud.
In the vibrant tapestry of colloquial English, regional slang often adds color and depth to the language. One such term that has emerged from Australian vernacular is yobbo, a word that encapsulates a particular type of individual. A yobbo is typically characterized as an unsophisticated or uncouth person, often associated with boisterous behavior and a lack of social graces. This term can carry a humorous connotation, yet it can also imply a degree of disdain, depending on the context in which it is used. The origins of the word yobbo can be traced back to the 1980s in Australia, where it was popularized in various media forms, including television shows and music. The image of a yobbo often conjures up thoughts of someone who enjoys loud music, drinking, and perhaps engaging in rowdy activities at local pubs or sporting events. While this stereotype may not apply to every individual labeled as a yobbo, it certainly reflects a cultural archetype within Australian society. Understanding the term yobbo requires a deeper look into the social dynamics of Australia. The Australian culture is known for its laid-back attitude and love for outdoor activities, which can sometimes lead to boisterous gatherings. In these settings, a yobbo might be the life of the party, drawing attention with their loud laughter and animated storytelling. However, this same individual may also be perceived negatively by others who value decorum and restraint. It's interesting to note how the perception of a yobbo can vary significantly among different groups. For some, being called a yobbo might be seen as a badge of honor, a playful acknowledgment of one's carefree spirit and enjoyment of life. For others, it could be an insult, suggesting a lack of refinement or education. This duality reflects the complexity of language and how words can evolve in meaning based on societal attitudes and contexts. In literature and media, yobbo characters often serve as comic relief or as symbols of rebellion against societal norms. They embody a certain authenticity that resonates with audiences who appreciate the rawness of unfiltered expression. In this way, the yobbo becomes more than just a stereotype; they represent a segment of society that embraces life with fervor, regardless of conventional expectations. However, it is essential to approach the use of the term yobbo with sensitivity. While it can be employed lightheartedly among friends, using it in a derogatory manner can perpetuate stereotypes and foster division. Language is a powerful tool, and with it comes the responsibility to use words that uplift rather than demean. In conclusion, the term yobbo serves as a fascinating example of how language reflects cultural values and social dynamics. It highlights the balance between embracing one's identity and understanding the implications of labels we assign to one another. Whether viewed as endearing or derogatory, the yobbo remains a unique part of the Australian lexicon, reminding us of the diverse ways we express ourselves and connect with others through language.
在口语英语的丰富多彩中,地区俚语常常为语言增添色彩和深度。一个来自澳大利亚方言的词汇就是yobbo,这个词概括了一种特定类型的人。yobbo通常被描述为一种不成熟或粗俗的人,常常与喧闹的行为和缺乏社交礼仪相关联。这个词可能带有幽默的含义,但根据使用的上下文,它也可能暗示一定程度的轻蔑。 yobbo这个词的起源可以追溯到1980年代的澳大利亚,在那时它在各种媒体形式中被广泛使用,包括电视节目和音乐。yobbo的形象常常让人联想到那些喜欢大声音乐、饮酒,并可能在当地酒吧或体育赛事上参与喧闹活动的人。虽然这一刻板印象可能并不适用于每一个被称为yobbo的人,但它确实反映了澳大利亚社会中的一种文化原型。 理解yobbo这个词需要更深入地了解澳大利亚的社会动态。澳大利亚文化以其悠闲的态度和对户外活动的热爱而闻名,这有时会导致喧闹的聚会。在这些场合中,一个yobbo可能是聚会的主角,以其响亮的笑声和生动的讲故事吸引注意。然而,这个同样的人在重视礼仪和克制的他人眼中可能会被负面看待。 有趣的是,不同群体对yobbo的看法可能会有显著差异。对某些人来说,被称为yobbo可能被视为一种荣誉,调皮地承认自己无忧无虑的精神和对生活的享受。对其他人来说,这可能是一种侮辱,暗示缺乏教养或教育。这种双重性反映了语言的复杂性,以及随着社会态度和背景的变化,单词的意义如何演变。 在文学和媒体中,yobbo角色常常作为喜剧的解脱或对社会规范的叛逆象征。他们体现了一种真实性,与那些欣赏无过滤表达原始性的观众产生共鸣。因此,yobbo不仅仅是一个刻板印象;他们代表了一个拥抱生活热情的社会部分,无论传统期望如何。 然而,使用yobbo这个词时必须以敏感的态度来对待。虽然在朋友之间可以轻松使用,但以贬义方式使用可能会助长刻板印象并造成分裂。语言是一种强大的工具,使用它时就伴随着提升而非贬低他人的责任。 总之,yobbo这个词是语言如何反映文化价值观和社会动态的一个迷人例子。它突显了拥抱自我身份与理解我们赋予彼此标签的影响之间的平衡。无论被视为可爱还是贬义,yobbo仍然是澳大利亚词汇中的独特部分,提醒我们通过语言表达自我和与他人联系的多样方式。