n. 女性外阴象征
n. (Yoni)(美、以)尤尼(人名)
阴道 | The term 'yoni' is often used in spiritual contexts to refer to the sacred feminine. | ‘yoni’一词通常在精神语境中使用,指代神圣的女性。 |
林伽 | The lingam represents the masculine aspect in Hindu philosophy. | 林伽在印度哲学中代表男性的方面。 | |
男性的 | Masculine energy is often contrasted with feminine energy, represented by yoni. | 男性能量通常与女性能量形成对比,后者由yoni代表。 |
1."It is unfortunate it does not appear milk has the magical properties it was once thought to have," said Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric medical Institute in Ottawa.
“非常令人遗憾牛奶并不具有过去人们所想象的那种神奇性能,”渥太华肥胖症医学协会医学主任Yoni Freedhoff说。
2."It is unfortunate it does not appear milk has the magical properties it was once thought to have," said Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric medical Institute in Ottawa.
“非常令人遗憾牛奶并不具有过去人们所想象的那种神奇性能,”渥太华肥胖症医学协会医学主任Yoni Freedhoff说。
3.Meanwhile, in Paul Theroux's A Dead Hand, the narrator finds his head "guided downward, between her fragrant thighs" and is told: "Yoni puja – pray, pray at my portal."
同时,在保罗·索鲁的作品《一只死手》(A Dead Hand)中,叙述者发现他的头部“被向下引导到她那芬芳的大腿间,他听到有声音说‘Yonipuja(意为女阴供养)——祈祷吧,在我的入口祈祷。’”
4.The ancient Hindu term yoni has achieved some currency today, and has respectful, even worshipful connotations.
远古的印度教术语yoni在今天得到通用。 它具有尊重甚至崇拜的含义。
5.In yoga classes, many instructors emphasize the importance of connecting with your yoni 阴道 to promote self-love.
在瑜伽课上,许多教练强调与你的yoni 阴道 连接的重要性,以促进自爱。
6.Some spiritual practices involve rituals that honor the yoni 阴道 as a symbol of creation.
一些灵性实践涉及仪式,尊重yoni 阴道 作为创造的象征。
7.Women are encouraged to explore their yoni 阴道 through guided meditations to enhance their sexual wellness.
鼓励女性通过引导冥想来探索她们的yoni 阴道 ,以增强她们的性健康。
8.The concept of yoni 阴道 is often discussed in workshops focused on feminine energy.
在专注于女性能量的研讨会中,yoni 阴道 的概念通常被讨论。
9.Art that depicts the yoni 阴道 can be seen as a celebration of femininity and life.
描绘yoni 阴道 的艺术可以被视为对女性气质和生命的庆祝。
The concept of yoni is deeply rooted in various cultures, particularly within Hinduism and Tantric traditions. In these contexts, yoni refers to the divine feminine energy and is often associated with the goddess Shakti. It symbolizes creation, fertility, and the source of life itself. Understanding yoni goes beyond its literal meaning; it encompasses a spiritual and philosophical dimension that recognizes the importance of femininity in the universe. In many spiritual practices, yoni is represented as a sacred space. It is considered a powerful symbol of the womb, where life begins. This association with birth and creation imbues yoni with a sense of reverence, encouraging individuals to honor and celebrate the feminine aspects of existence. The symbolism of yoni extends to various forms of art, literature, and rituals, emphasizing the need for balance between masculine and feminine energies. Moreover, the exploration of yoni is not limited to religious or spiritual contexts. In modern times, discussions around yoni have emerged in feminist movements and holistic wellness practices. Women are encouraged to embrace their bodies and recognize the power that lies within their yoni. This empowerment fosters a deeper connection to one’s self, promoting self-love and acceptance. It challenges societal norms that often diminish the significance of femininity, urging women to reclaim their narrative and celebrate their identities. In addition, the practice of yoni mapping—a form of bodywork that focuses on the yoni—has gained popularity. This practice aims to help women reconnect with their physical selves, explore sensations, and release trauma stored in the body. By engaging with their yoni, women can cultivate a greater understanding of their sexuality and emotional well-being. This process is essential for healing and empowerment, allowing individuals to embrace their full selves without shame or fear. Furthermore, the exploration of yoni also encourages conversations about sexual health and wellness. Educating individuals about their yoni can lead to improved understanding of reproductive health, consent, and pleasure. It emphasizes the importance of open dialogue around topics that are often stigmatized, fostering a culture of respect and awareness. In conclusion, the term yoni encapsulates a rich tapestry of meanings that transcend cultural boundaries. It serves as a reminder of the sacredness of femininity, creation, and empowerment. By understanding and embracing the essence of yoni, individuals can foster a greater appreciation for the balance of energies in the world. Ultimately, recognizing the significance of yoni allows for a more harmonious existence, where both masculine and feminine energies are celebrated and respected. As we continue to explore the depths of yoni, we pave the way for a future that honors the divine feminine in all its forms.
‘yoni’这一概念深深植根于各种文化,特别是在印度教和密宗传统中。在这些背景下,yoni指的是神圣的女性能量,通常与女神Shakti相关联。它象征着创造、繁衍和生命的源泉。理解yoni超越了其字面意义;它包含一种精神和哲学的维度,承认女性在宇宙中的重要性。 在许多精神实践中,yoni被视为一个神圣的空间。它被认为是子宫的强大象征,生命在此开始。这种与出生和创造的关联赋予了yoni一种敬畏感,鼓励个人尊重和庆祝存在的女性方面。yoni的象征意义延伸到各种艺术、文学和仪式中,强调了阴阳能量之间平衡的必要性。 此外,对yoni的探索并不仅限于宗教或精神背景。在现代,围绕yoni的讨论已在女性主义运动和整体健康实践中兴起。女性被鼓励去拥抱自己的身体,认识到她们的yoni中蕴藏的力量。这种赋权促进了与自我的更深联系,推动自爱和自我接纳。它挑战了常常贬低女性重要性的社会规范,促使女性重新掌控自己的叙事,庆祝自己的身份。 另外,‘yoni映射’的实践——一种关注yoni的身体工作形式,也越来越受欢迎。这一实践旨在帮助女性重新连接自己的身体,探索感官,并释放储存在身体中的创伤。通过与自己的yoni互动,女性可以培养对自己性欲和情感健康的更深理解。这个过程对于疗愈和赋权至关重要,使个体能够毫无羞耻和恐惧地接受自己的完整自我。 此外,yoni的探索还鼓励关于性健康和福祉的对话。教育个体了解自己的yoni可以改善对生殖健康、同意和快乐的理解。它强调了围绕那些经常被污名化的话题进行开放对话的重要性,促进了一种尊重和意识的文化。 总之,‘yoni’这个词囊括了跨越文化界限的丰富含义。它提醒我们女性神圣性、创造力和赋权的重要性。通过理解和拥抱yoni的本质,个体可以培养对世界中能量平衡的更大欣赏。最终,认识到yoni的重要性使得更和谐的存在成为可能,在这种存在中,阴阳能量都受到庆祝和尊重。当我们继续探索yoni的深度时,我们为未来铺平了道路,尊重所有形式的神圣女性。